All is set for the 2022 Annual Retreat of the National Universities Commission’s (NUCs) Management with Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities.
The Retreat, which is an annual engagement with the Vice-Chancellors of the Federal, State and Private universities, is scheduled to hold from Monday 18th to Friday, 22nd July, 2022 at the Idris Abdulkadir Auditorium NUC Secretariat, Abuja.
The Retreat will be declared opened by the Honourable Minister of Education, Mal. Adamu Adamu while the Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission, Prof. Abubakar Adamu Rasheed, mni, MFR, FNAL, is the Chief Host. According to the order of the programme, the various universities had been scheduled based on the proprietorship for interactions in line with their peculiarities with the NUC management.
The Federal universities were scheduled for Monday and Tuesday 18th and 19th of July, while States are slated for Wednesday 20th July, 2022, and the Private universities would take their turn on Friday, 22nd July, 2022.
Some of the pertinent and topical issues for discussions which are also in alignment with the mandates of the various NUC Directorates Guidelines on Transnational Education in Nigeria and Guidelines on e-Learning in Nigerian Universities as well as Review of Requirements for the Establishment of Private Open Universities in Nigeria, directly under the purview of the Directorate of Open Distance and E-learning (DODel); NUC Ranking of Universities and the expectations on the new Core Curriculum Minimum Academic Standards as well as Matters Arising from the October/ November 2012 Accreditation Exercise by the Directorate of Academic Planning and Accreditation, respectively, (DAP/ DA); Guidelines on Funding and Payment Operations for Accreditation and Resource Verification and other NUC Quality Assurance Activities and Harmonisation of Budget Preparation and Defence, under the jurisdiction of the Directorate of Finance and Accounts DFA.
Others are issues bordering on Code of Governance in Private Universities in Nigeria, Review of Bank Guarantee Requirement for Private Universities by the Directorate of Establishment of Private Universities (DEPU); Guidelines on Entrepreneurship Education in Nigerian Universities under the purview of the Directorate of Skills Development and Entrepreneurship (DSDE) as well as Update on the On-Going Negotiation with the University-based Unions by the Directorate of Human Resources.
The Retreat always provides a platform for the NUC and the universities to rub minds and form synergy in taking decisions that would ensure quality and promote harmony in the Nigerian University System (NUS).